Which elements elevate a luxury high-rise into a fully rounded hospitality experience for its residents?

At Elevate, a gathering of the biggest names in the luxury high-rise market, the spotlight was turned on hospitality-branded residences as they redefine the experience of upscale living. A panel discussing this topic was moderated by Kimberly Byrum, managing principal, multifamily for Zonda Advisory.

Byrum was joined by Brad Meltzer, the partner and president of Two Roads Development, Edgardo Defortuna, president, CEO, and founder of Fortune International Group, and Michelle Schrank, the architect and director at ICRAVE.

Elevate at Livabl
From left to right: Kimberly Byrum, Brad Meltzer, Michelle Schrank, and Edgardo Defortuna (photo credit: Bela Foto Studio)

Redefining the luxury high-rise hospitality experience

Planning for the desires of customers in the future is critical to redefining the hospitality experience, according to Defortuna.

“We try to understand and anticipate the needs of those buyers; we’re trying to figure out what the wishes and wants are even before they know,” Defortuna said. “That’s because any large project you start today will be delivered four or five years from now. So, it’s key to anticipate what new trends will be —that includes what technologies, kitchens, bathrooms, and public spaces should look like.“

“Things are constantly evolving today with AI and all the services that you have at your fingertips. Connectivity and the ability to work from home are key lifestyle components, so we’re paying attention.”

Defortuna also explained that the redefinition of the high-rise luxury experience goes beyond singles and couples. “People are living in luxury units for longer periods of time – they need space for their families,” he said.

What does branding mean to the consumer?

Bryum asked Meltzer about branding for the discerning luxury high-rise consumer.

“I think branding means a couple of different things,” Meltzer said. “It allows customers to feel that the product they’re buying or the condominium they’re buying in, that brand will lend itself towards a lifestyle they want. It allows them to have a shared expectation about the quality level of the design. Hopefully, also that translates into the services.

“We think Two Roads, especially in the hospitality sector, that service is something that people are looking for. That’s why we’ve partnered with Four Seasons, Pendry, and others we feel strongly about. They all provide a super high level of service.”

A seamless experience

For Schrank, redefining luxury high-rise spaces means a seamless experience from the lobby to the residents’ homes. A homeowner should feel as if their world extends beyond the walls of their condo into every aspect of the building, and with that comes a desire to take advantage of top-tier amenities. “We’re always looking to expand the residence,” she said. “A resident doesn’t need to use the office in their apartment — they can use the one in the common space because it’s likely better equipped.”

“We need to remember that a residential space is part of a person’s long-term life,” Schrank said. “It’s where you spend a lot of your time; it’s where you make memories. I think it’s important to cater to a resident’s range of emotions and build that into the backdrop of their life.”

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