Photo: Alexandr Ivaschenko / Adobe Stock

Who says task forces never propose anything interesting?

A new report commissioned by the Ontario Conservative government called the Housing Affordability Task Force makes 55 recommendations intended to add 1.5 million homes to the province over the next 10 years. 

It would do this largely by taking aim at “not in my backyard” policies that hold back development in an attempt to increase affordability.

“NIMBYism is a large and constant obstacle to providing housing everywhere,” the report says, according to a draft obtained by CBC News. “We cannot allow opposition and politicization of individual housing projects to prevent us from meeting the needs of all Ontarians.”

Among the key recommendations is increasing density in areas zoned for single family homes, repealing policies that are intended to preserve an area’s character and limiting the tie set aside for consulting the public on housing developments.

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