Fantasy 3 AsgardIt’s no secret that we’re huge urban-development geeks at BuzzBuzzHome, but we’re other kinds of geeky, as well. This post celebrates the top 7 architectural marvels from fantasy films. So check your moral alignment, hire a lutist and sprinkle some faerie dust on your wizard cap, because things are about to get… fantastical.

1.) King’s Landing, Game of Thrones

Sure, Game of Thrones isn’t a film, but this deliciously complex television series is more zeitgeisty than Don Draper and Hannah from Girls hooking up in a very special crossover episode. The capital of the Seven Kingdoms might be a pit of vipers and spies, but gosh, it’s pretty. The view alone of Blackwater Bay would keep us glued to the city, despite the political turmoil, famine and occasional riots.

Fantasy 1 Kings Landing

2.) Not London, The Golden Compass

The 2007 film adaptation of Philip Pullman’s beloved series blends Gothic, Rococo and Art Deco details in this alterna-version of London. We’d gladly brave the manipulations of The Magisterium if it meant wandering the streets of this dream city, and we already have our daemon picked out.

Fantasy 2 Golden Compass

3.) Asgard, Thor

The Norse gods definitely know how to live in style. This shimmering golden vista knocked us down with the all the force of Thor’s hammer. That gleaming organ-pipe extravaganza in the center is the Asgardian Castle, where Odin holds court. Now if we can only sneak an invite through Loki…

Fantasy 3 Asgard

4.) Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Even if you lack a sweet tooth, you’ve got to admit that the titular chocolate factory from the 2005 movie has some serious design chops.  The swoops and sharp angles of the facade imbue the building with a sense of playful menace — no big surprise, given what happens inside to the kids who aren’t Charlie Bucket. Plus, “chocolate river” is a perk that every property should have, commercial or residential.

05_Flatbed_1 - JUNE

5.) Pirate ship, Stardust

Call it float-chitecture or boatchitecture, but this airborne pirate ship from the 2007 screen version of Neil Gaiman’s novel was a five-star delight. Given how distinctly cramped and non-fabulous airplanes have become, maybe we’ll take our next flight via ship and have Robert De Niro’s Captain Shakespeare teach us how to fence.

Fantasy 5 Stardust

6.) Minas Tirith, The Lord of the Rings trilogy

Come on, like we couldn’t have a fantasy-film architecture roundup without the Grand-Daddy of them all. Minas Tirith (that’s “The Tower of Guard” in Sindarin to you) is the seven-level capital of Gondor and the City of Kings. In addition to its rich history and luster, the place is well-fortified; the walls are defended by a battery of at least 10 trebuchets, in case any Trolls come… er, trolling.

Fantasy 6 LotR

7.) Emerald City, Oz the Great and Powerful

The White City is Tolkien-approved grand and all, but everyone knows it’s all about the green-building these days. And Emerald City in Disney’s Oz the Great and Powerful is an eco-magic stunner, even if our biggest James Franco fantasy is him going away.

"OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL" In Disney’s fantastical adventure “Oz The Great and Powerful,” Oscar Diggs (James Franco) lands his hot air balloon in a pond in the Land of Oz and encounters the witch Theodora (Mila Kunis). The film, produced by Joe Roth, directed by Sam Raimi, written by Mitchell Kapner and David Lindsay-Abaire, stars James Franco, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, Michelle Williams and Zach Braff.  “Oz The Great and Powerful” opens in U.S. theaters on March 8, 2013. © 2012 Disney Enterprises, Inc.

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