Photo by Leonardo Iheme on Unsplash

Houseplants are a bonafide Millennial obsession, and there’s research to prove it. According to the 2016 National Gardening Report, more than 83 percent of first-time gardeners were those aged 18 to 34. Another study by the National Gardening Association found that houseplant sales in the United States have surged 50 percent over the past three years to $1.7 billion. That’s a lot of fiddle-leaf fig trees!

Millennials and other generations of houseplant enthusiasts are turning to Google to search for new varieties to add to their growing collections. Next Day Blinds recently analyzed data from Google Trends to pinpoint the most-searched houseplants in all 50 states. Keep scrolling to find out which of your plant friends fronds made the list.

1. Aloe vera

Photo: surfsidesucculents/Instagram

Aloe vera is an easy-to-grow succulent with the added bonus of sunburn relief. It needs plenty of sunlight, but is forgiving towards forgetful waterers (just one drink every three weeks will do). 

2. Basil

Photo: baccocateredeventscheflauren/Instagram

Why spend money on fresh herbs at the grocery store when you could grow them yourself? Basil prefers six to eight hours of full sunlight per day and requires regular pruning to boost growth and flavor.

3. Poinsettia

Photo: theodorasgarden/Instagram

Many people associate poinsettias with Christmas, but the colorful plant can be grown year-round in the right conditions. Be sure to keep your pets from snacking on the leaves as they can be mildly toxic to dogs and cats.

4. Easter Cactus

Photo: love_houseplants/Instagram

You get the best of both worlds with an Easter Cactus — a succulent that’s easy to care for and a flowering plant that adds a burst of color to your interiors. As you may have guessed, the Easter Cactus got its name because it blooms between March and May.

5. Peace Lily

Photo: verdantphilly/Instagram

If you’ve been searching for a low-light plant that will survive in your cave-like apartment, look no further than the Peace Lily. They’re NASA-approved air purifiers and thrive in indirect sunlight.

6. Resurrection Plant

Photo: plantandpug/Instagram

The Resurrection Plant is truly a feat of nature. At first glance, the rootless plant looks like a shriveled up knot — lifeless, browning and destined for the compost bin. But set it down in a bowl of water and the Selaginella lepidophylla will unfurl and turn green within hours. Just check out this mesmerizing timelapse video for further proof.  

7. Bonsai

Photo: margaplantas/Instagram

Did you know that bonsai is not a type of plant, but rather a pruning technique that dates back to 700 AD? There are many species of trees that are suitable for bonsai, including the Japanese maple, juniper, ficus and jade.

8. Dieffenbachia

Photo: smartplantapp/Instagram

Dieffenbachia, also known as dumbcane, can tolerate low to moderate light. Its lush, variegated leaves are beautiful from afar, but should be handled with care as the sap can cause numbness or even temporary loss of speech if ingested.

9. Elephant Ear

Photo: tablesalt__/Instagram

While elephant ear plants may start out small, they can grow up to six feet tall with leaves that are three feet in diameter. They prefer warm, humid environments and come in a range of colors from deep purple to hot pink.

10. Snake Plant

Photo: olivra.houseplants/Instagram

There is perhaps no hardier plant than the snake plant. It thrives on neglect and only needs to be watered every two to six weeks. In fact, watering it too frequently will lead to root rot. Snake plants grow quickly, adding height and personality to an empty corner. 

11. Umbrella Plant

Photo: greeneryandcuriosities/Instagram

If you crave the not-so-instant gratification that comes with raising a plant from pup to adulthood, the umbrella plant is a winning choice. This green, leafy plant can grow up to six feet tall indoors. Give yours plenty of bright, indirect light and make sure the pot offers proper drainage.

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