It’s amazing to see how a city grows and changes over time. Some do so through sprawl while others knock down buildings to completely transform. But unlike many major cities in North America and beyond, Washington, DC seems to have grown up in a way that preserves its history.

We matched a historic photo of F Street estimated to have been taken in 1942 with a contemporary photo taken in 2011 to see what’s changed and what’s stayed the same.

Both photos are looking east down F Street NW. Look how crowded the streets were in 1942!

Some people cry foul when a city builds up and over; they miss the old architecture. But DC’s comprehensive historical ordinances and zoning seem to have preserved the area’s historic, old-world feel.

What are your favorite DC views?

1942 photo via army.arch/Flickr. Contemporary photo via Mr.TinDC/Flickr.

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